Monday, December 22, 2014


There's an awful lot of Capricorn energy going on currently - a goat fest if ever!! The Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto are all in the earthy sign of Capricorn at the moment. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn is preparing to leave Scorpio for Sagittarius on Christmas Eve, and will remain there for the next two years. That's a BIG thing, and I will discuss it in a later blog.

Capricorn is a sign familiar with suffering (yeps!) which is why all this Capricorn energy may be difficult for some. It can be a very sad time of the year for some folk, as they remember departed loved ones, or have difficulty making ends meet. Delivering happiness to your family and others, when your happy tank is empty, is not an easy task! This is a time to reach out to others and ASK FOR HELP! 

Capricorn is a practical sign, and not one to waste time, or energy, moaning. They are hard workers, and plough through the pain in their lives to get the job done. They just keep on trucking. They've been down - and baby! - they sure know how to pull themselves up! So, during this Capricorn time of year, let's take a leaf from their ever-so-down-to-earth and kindly ways. Let's make this season real!

Here are some suggestions:-

Help the downtrodden. Knowing there are always people worse off than you, makes you appreciate what you have got. In addition, you reap the rewards, and your happy tanks fills up again!

Start new family traditions. Capricorn is a sign that values tradition. Start a couple of new ones this season. What about starting a Christmas family album? Include favourite family recipes, Christmas cards sent out over the years, photos from the past, etc. Some people have a tradition of wearing weird socks, games, going to a movie, opening presses on Christmas Eve by the fireside, etc. It's never too late to start! This year, I think I will make a batch of my Almond Rocca, dark chocolate mint bark, and deliver it in a cheery tin, decorated with bells, to my neighbours...Maybe even get a door-to-door Christmas carol singing going - ending in an open-house...Who knows??

Become more committed to your family. With the moon and pluto both in serious Capricorn, now is a good time to open a dialogue with estranged family members.

Some of you may experience intense pain, physically, or mentally - if you do - it's a good time to ask for help!

Make a Vision Board for 2015. This is a very good use of all that Capricorn energy going down currently! Capricorn is ambitious and likes to expend their energy in a goal directed manner. So, get all those old magazines out, and become Focused to Win!

Hope these suggestions help to make your Season bright!


Patricia xxx

Sunday, August 17, 2014


My first reaction on hearing about Robin Williams's death was to blame that big bad moon we had the day before he died. I know he died on Monday the 11th, but if the truth be known, he had one hell of a horrible weekend beforehand. Robin was born under the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the moon. Cancerians are extremely sensitive around the time of a full moon, and this one was particularly nasty! Hence the word Lunatic. Never underestimate the power of the moon, especially for those born between June 22nd and July 22nd.

Robin was a double water sign, having his moon in ultra sensitive Pisces, opposing Venus in Virgo. The potential for depression is definitely in that line-up! He would have been a very kind person, but sadly, his own worst enemy at times. There was also a lack of earth in his birth chart, but a lot of fire and water. Earth influences in a chart help provide stability to the individual. Too much water and fire can produce a lot of steam!! A lack of earth in a person's chart also indicates the individual is not materialistic, and money matters can sometimes be very badly managed. Even though Robin made a lot of money, and worked extremely hard, he also lost a lot of money, due to some bad decisions he made in his personal life.

If you never believed in Astrology, you may change your mind if you knew about the painful planetary stuff going on inside his delicate frame, prior to his death. And there was plenty! Before I get into that, I think we should also give some consideration to his family of origin. I get the sense little Robin was very much a loner. He was an only child, born into a wealthy family. When he told his father of his desire to become an actor, his dad's reaction was "maybe you should have a back-up trade, like welding". I don't get a sense that there was a lot of love or support there. As a family loving Cancerian, Robin may also have had some unresolved issues from his childhood. I think it is mighty telling that he married his son's Nanny. Maybe he wanted to be 'nannied' too!

As mentioned earlier, his astrological ingredients would definitely indicate a pre-disposition for depression. Now, let's add to the mix the very nasty Uranus/Pluto square, currently driving everybody insane. Uranus is in Aries, which squares his sun, and Pluto is in Capricorn which opposes his Sun in Cancer. So there would have been a hell of a tug-of-war going on within him for the past two years.

In addition, transiting Pluto was closely opposing Robin's Mars/Uranus conjunction at the time of his death. A Pluto transit opposite either of these two strong planets could certainly trigger a suicide. Mars is an aggressive planet, and prone to instant action. Suicide can sometimes be seen as an angry aggressive act. The aggression being turned within. As well as this, the planet Uranus, which governs electricity, can trigger sudden emotional outbursts.

Saturn (the planet of pain) was recently hovering over his ascendant in Leo, and the close square to his Natal Pluto didn't help matters. Tough transits from Saturn and Pluto can trigger deep emotional issues.

I am blaming the planets Pluto (the death planet), Saturn (the pain planet), Mars (the angry aggressive planet) Uranus (the impetuous planet), and the Moon (emotional roller coaster), for his death. I need to blame somebody! Robin just didn't know how to correctly handle the energy generated by the planets. He became their puppet, and sadly, the string broke!

I wish with all my heart he had come to me before he undid his belt. (no innuendo intended Robin!), I would have put my arms around his sad shoulders, given him a monster hug, put the kettle on for a cup of soothing hot chocolate, and helped him to shush away the nasty noise within him.

Like a lot of comedians, behind the mask, his life was anything but funny. What a tragic loss.

Rest in Peace Robin...

Friday, August 8, 2014


The planetary energy flowing around at the moment is weird, but since we have a full moon in Aquarius coming this Sunday, the word 'weird' may not be so weird after all!! The Sun is currently in Leo, which is polar opposite to Aquarius, both signs are known to be rather 'fixed' in their ways - 'my way or the highway'. How will this energy manifest itself unto us humanoids?

For one thing, full moons bring out the beast in some of us, as in 'luna...tic'. The luna makes you tick or thick - whatever - your choice. In addition to the full moon in Aquarius this weekend, the moon conjuncts pluto in Capricorn today. Fortunately, mars in Scorpio supports this union. To work with the current energy, here's my take on all of this:-

Face the fears within you - head on! (moon conjunct pluto in Capricorn supported by mars).

Whatever is currently bugging or bringing you down, devise a strategy to help you overcome this. In other words, take responsibility for your survival - be pro-active!

Because we're talking serious Leo/Aquarius energy here, do something BIG and DIFFERENT! Aquarius is all about thinking outside the box, being unique, and most especially, being kind. That person who may be annoying you, force yourself to think of one thing you like about that person. Dumb down the voice inside your head that causes you to be judgemental about others.

This coming weekend, your mission, should you choose to accept it is:-

Feel the fear and do it anyhow. Devise a strategy for survival, and work on it...

Think outside the box. Force yourself to look at certain people, and things in a different light.

Value your uniqueness - be creative, both in dress, and ideas.

Be so busy in your own self-improvement journey, that you have no time to criticize others.

Without further ado, Mission Aquarius has begun...

Have fun!!

Patricia xox

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


O.K. fellows, I thought I'd better warn you! There are a couple of not-so-nice relationship-issues, which could manifest this weekend. Expect some drama. Freedom-loving, and commitment-phobic energy will be flying around like wasps, ready to sting, especially if you try to trap 'em!!

Here goes:-

Venus will be squaring Uranus. If you are in a rather shaky relationship to begin with, then it is very likely the 'freedom-lover' of the duo will be going for a long hike. "I'm outta here" may be heard in towns and villages all around the world...and cities too!!

Next, Mars will be squaring Uranus, so there will be a tendency for people prone to impulsivity, to really act impulsively this weekend - be warned!! With that mars squaring Uranus, there could be even violence! So if you are in a domestically violent situation currently, please be aware, and take precaution!! Do not stir the pot, and pick your arguments - wisely.

Lastly, and I'm not keeping the best for last. Pluto will be opposing Venus - ouchy ouchy!! Lots of drama, especially for Aries and Scorpio, who are directly ruled by Mars (Aries) Scorpio (Pluto).

Forewarned is half the battle!!

Get out and enjoy the sun, and don't plan on proposing this weekend! Keep things easy peasy!


Patricia xxx

Monday, July 28, 2014


I should warn you - this blog is longer than my usual ones. Better put the kettle on! I don't usually elaborate on each person individually, but Angelina Jolie has one of the most incredible birth charts I have seen in a long time. As I studied her chart, my heart began pounding at the sheer craziness of it all. How could any person be so dang insane, and yet turn her life around to become the hugely successful woman she is today?  There was such an immense amount of conflicting energy going on within her. She has a stellium (4 planets) in Aries, the most macho sign of the zodiac, contrasting with her Ascendant and Venus in Cancer, the most feminine sign. Is she a veritable Lolita, or a kick ass Boudicca? The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Brad Pitt's birth chart was interesting too, but not half as much as Angelina's. Without a doubt, he is the rock in this union. He does have one highly unusual thing going on in his chart, in that his Sun makes no aspects to any other planet, also known as an un-aspected Sun. People with this configuration tend to go it alone, do not rely on others, and value their space. He also has conflicting energy within. His Sun and Ascendant are both in freedom loving Sagittarius, but he also has four planets in the ultra-conservative, hard-working, and responsible sign of Capricorn. The way he has embraced fatherhood tells me the Capricorn side of his nature is at the helm of this union.

Angelina has both Sun and Mercury in the restless sign of Gemini. Gemini is the sign of the twins, and if ever a woman had two distinct sides to her nature, she is a perfect example. To add fuel to her already lively fire, she has a powerful Moon conjunct Mars in the macho sign of Aries, opposing Pluto, which might very well explain her fearless independent nature, and fondness for guns and knives. If that wasn't enough excitement, she has Venus in Cancer on her ascendant squaring Uranus--God help the men!--that's all I can say about that!! Not just the men, she was into women as well--not unusual for Gemini, a masculine dual sign. Boring she is not. The Venus square Uranus would indicate an attraction to unusual partners, willfulness, and a LOT of sexual experimentation.

Her interest in blood rituals may be understood by her Moon conjunct Mars in Aries (the sign of war) on her Saturn/Pluto midpoint. Early on in her life, she enjoyed cutting herself. She said that it made her feel alive (I could think of better ways). As a wedding present to her ex-husband, Billy Bob Thornton, she handwrote a message to him in her own blood with the words "To the end of Time". She had it framed, and placed above their wedding bed. She was so insanely in love with Billy Bob, she had herself admitted to a hospital for fear she would harm herself. I attribute that to all the warrior Aries stuff, conflicting with the already conflicting Venus square Uranus, and her moon opposing Pluto. Her emotions are all over the map.

As I absorbed all Angelina's astrological information, I couldn't help but think of another Gemini-- Marilyn Monroe. Both Angelina and Marilyn had troubled childhoods. Despite all her macho, independent ways, Angelina has experienced deep feelings of insecurity, and doubts about her abilities. She has Mercury retrograde, which makes her feel very misunderstood at times. In addition, she has her Moon square Saturn, indicating feelings of discontent and insecurity. Her natal Saturn in Cancer tells me she felt somewhat isolated within her family.

To add insult to injury, her moon opposes Pluto, so as a child and teenager, she would have experienced intense conflict between herself and a parent figure. I believe she had some issues with her father, which have been painfully resolved. They did not speak for years. This could have contributed to a love/hate element in her relationships with others. As a teenager, she had a morbid fascination with death, (could be attributed to her 3rd house Pluto) and entertained many a suicidal thought. Troubled-- that she was.

Then along came Brad...

Solid as a rock Brad, with his four personal planets, Mars, Mercury, Moon, and Venus all in the responsible, hard-working, and disciplined, sign of Capricorn. How on earth could he tame Angelina? For starters, he is good-looking--that helps!! And he is older--that helps too. But the real attraction comes from his Sun and Ascendant, both in the ultra charming sign of Sagittarius, which is polar opposite to her Sun in Gemini. They are polar opposites in almost every single way. All his planets in Capricorn oppose all her planets in Aries, their Sun oppose each other, his moon in Capricorn squares her moon in Aries. Her Ascendant and Venus in Cancer oppose all his Capricorn planets. They say opposites attract, and yes, there is massive sexual chemistry going on. However!!--theirs is a relationship that will require a huge deal of effort, and communication, if their love is to stand the test of time.

Angelina has no earth in her chart, so clearly well-earthed Brad grounds her, and gives her the sense of security which she lacks. Because of his Mars squaring her Moon, he will need to hold back when an argument is looming, to avoid angry outbursts. I think a big plus for their union is the fact Brad's natal Jupiter conjuncts Angelina's Moon/Mars/Jupiter/MC stellium. The generosity and benevolence he extends to Angelina re-enforces her feeling of inner security, and encourages her boldness, as far as her public image and career are concerned. So yes, take a bow, Brad!

Even though their conjugal relationship, from an astrological viewpoint, only scores 49%, there is still good reason they will survive, provided they both put in the mammoth effort required, and respect each other's differences. They are both dedicated to their children, and share a commitment to improving the world. It will take a lot to shake off Brad. He is in it for the long haul. Were it not for the children, I'd watch Angelina!! She has a restless streak...I think she is married to her work now, which isn't a problem for Brad, who enjoys his own space, and would not be a demanding spouse. Just like Beyonce and Jay Z, money sure helps to honey out any bumps in the hive!!

Until the next one!


Patricia xxx

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Mama Mia, this relationship is the beeeez knees! It works, and there sure is a lot of sizzling chemistry going down. I used to wonder to myself how a sensitive, private, Virgo gal (Beyonce) could be compatible with a fire engine Sagittarius (Jay Z), but let me tell you--there is more to their relationship than meets the eye!

Normally, I would not team a Virgo with a Sagittarius for everlasting love--more like friendship--but Beyonce is not a normal Virgo, and Jay Z is not a normal Sagittarius...goodeeee!! This means there is love potential here, and I want these darlings to stay together. There is nothing like money to honey out any bumps in the hive...and yes, with Jay Z's stinging tongue, it is best to keep on his sweet side!

Now down to their chemistry...

They aced it in the LOVE department! Jay Z's Mars in Aquarius is in perfect harmony with Beyonce's Venus in Libra. Her Mars in Leo is also great with his Sun in Sagittarius. Her Moon and rising sign in Scorpio snuggle up nicely with his Venus in Scorpio.

In addition, Beyonce has a stellium in Libra, the most charming sign in the zodiac. By stellium I mean 5 planets (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) are all in Libra--that's an awful lot of charm to house under her modest Virgo sun, and helps offset some of the differences between their sun signs.

Interestingly, both Beyonce and Jay Z have a Moon conjunct Uranus aspect in their individual charts, which means they are both independent, resourceful, and need excitement in their lives. Yeps, there is no shortage of that!!

I could tell by Jay Z's smouldering gaze that he had some sexy Scorpio hiding inside of him. He has his Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto, and conjunct Neptune which tells me he is a very intense and committed partner, and expects the same in return. In addition, he has his rising sign in Virgo, which is very compatible with Beyonce's sun in Virgo. It helps to soften his hard edges and ground him.

I mentioned Jay Z's stinging tongue earlier...he has Mercury square Pluto--Ouch!! Coupled with his Sag Sun, I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of him!! When he is being sharp tongued, I hope Beyonce tells him to Buzz Off!

Jay Z's Sun opposing his Midheaven tells me family is very important to him. That's good, because it is also very important to Beyonce. In addition, he has his Venus conjunct Neptune, indicating a very private and romantic person. Communications between them flow nicely. His Mercury in Sagittarius has an ease of expression with her Mercury in Libra.

Is it any wonder Beyonce is the 'Queen Bee'?! She sure makes her Jay Z Buzzz. He just needs to keep his sharp little tongue singing, not stinging!


Patricia xxx

Friday, July 11, 2014


I've been out enjoying the summer and doing what I love to do - people watching! In an ocean of strangers, there are always a few individuals who stand out from the crowd. These are the gals who look totally comfortable in their skin. They radiate an inner confidence which tells me they've worked it baby! And the good news - you don't have to be a size zero to do this. Goddesses come in all sizes and colours.

Since the sun is currently in the sign of Cancer, I shall devote today's blog to all you lovely, feminine, kind, and caring Cancerians.


Wear Pearls, Rubies, and soft smiles.

Realize your femininity is your trump card - milk it baby!

Surround yourself with up-beat friends who understand you.

Wear your protective shell - until you know it is safe to drop it!

Your home is your castle. Invest some time and money. It's your haven.

Be financially smart - otherwise, you'll get stomach ulcers - yes!

Choose your mate with care. Water and Earth signs handle you best.

Children, pets, and plants, bring out the best in you.

Stay close to nature.

If you are not at peace, your digestive system gets mighty crabby.

That's it - in a crab shell!!


Patricia xxx